Well, it was nice to feel a little bit of hope again politically, even if only just.
GOOD night on the whole for Labour though dissapointing in Scotland obviously but good to see labour gains instead of sinking, though it would be even better to see Labour put at least some of the socialism back into the party !!
BAD night though for the lib dems and thoroughly deserved I feel ... let's be honest, no one likes to feel betrayed and I suspect that is how the vast majority of lib dem supporters must feel. There must be turmoil in the party as many supporters are more left leaning and more natural Labour than Tory allies and now, having taken such a kicking, there will inevitably be calls to leave the coalition ...how long can those calls be ignored?
GOOD night for the Greens too, being the largest party in Brighton and taking quite a few other key seats. I suspect not a party that could take power, but it would be great to see more MPs so that views can be heard and discussed at the very least.
BAD night for the BNP .. in a right financial mess and with few candidates, they lost most of the seats they were defending. A good thing for this country, though my main concern is that right wing supporters are increasingly leaving the 'political' agends and reverting to street politics as can be seen with the rise of the EDL
OK night for the Tories who more or less held their position, which for them given the current cuts, is a a good position ... However, the Lib Dems won't be such an effective punch bag next time around and most people will know someone close to them who will have been made redundant or lost their house or something so I hope they have their parachutes ready for the drop!!
BAD night for AV. I voted yes but increasingly as time went on, I wasn't bothered .. it was an incredibly poor alternative that had been put forward at the wrong time, poorly campaigned for and distracted from the local elections ... And all research shows it would have had little effect anyway.
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