Thursday, 2 June 2011

Tiny Tantrums

I have a friend who has a two and a half year old daughter and I'm known to her as Grumples which is a mix of grandpa, uncle and plain old grumpy!

Well .... I thought I was grumpy until the other day when I collected her from nursery !! When I got there she was asleep and although she stirred, she was not happy about being woken up ... understandably perhaps and nor would I be. It's not the first time that I had woken her up but usually she had a smile on her face but not this time .. oh no .... she threw a complete tantrum like I had never seen before ... I couldn't placate her .. the girls at the nursery couldn't placate her .. it was " no noo NOOOO" .... Anyway .. to cut a long story short, eventually we managed to get her into the pushchair and after we had got outside and she had some fresh air for a while she calmed down ....

The funny part was when she turned to me on the way home and shouted at me ... "don't wake me up again grumples" .. well that told me didn't it !!!

Anyway ... I got back in her good books by taking her to the park and going on teh slide with her .. so I think I'm forgiven ..... for now anyway "